The stage has been set and flights to Dublin from most European and domestic locations are fully booked. The first annual Dublin SEO, webmaster, Designer and webworker meetup will take place on Saturday the 9th of February. This is an event that will certainly go down in the history books. Ireland’s web workers have long been restricted with their networking opportunities for many reasons. We have now reached the tipping point…
The Harbour Master in Dublin’s city center will play host to food, drink and talk that was once a pipedream in our normal social circles. Kindly sponsored by the most fantastic hosting company in Ireland, Blacknight. If you can make it we will be meeting at 7:30PM. This is an open event and anyone can attend. The more names we can all put faces to the better. If you work with anything web related, please feel free to come along. A good time is guaranteed to be had by all*
The confirmed attendees are as follows:
Cormac Nolan ;)
Richard Hearne
Mark Walsh (I can’t wait to print out Google paid link guidelines and show to) ;)
Dave Davis
James Larkin
Eoghan McCabe
Ken Stanley
Gavin Doolan
David Behan
Micky Wall
Michael Flanagan
There is a continued discussion on the Irish webmaster forum here. Special thanks to Gavin Doolan for kicking this all off. Not too sure if any of the ladies are confirmed yet? I hope to see all you guys there.
*This is not a guarantee.
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