Unless you are depressed about the preparations of Armageddon Resignedly, the digital marketing and advertising games as 2012. Rapid convergence of new media, new tools and technology wave after wave of entertainment choices to push towards something of our golden age, for digital advertisers. How to almost become 2012, these new opportunities? You can recommend the following new year's resolution.
You expect mobile marketing and advertising formative 2011 companies stay ahead of curve and is worthy of serious attention is that rapidly growing segment proved suspicion. Consider this:
To search rapidly 20600000000 dollars by 2015 Mobile World 8000000000000 this statement spend more than 2011 Mobile advertising messages sent last year, four times search seven products, now mobile71% of TV and press advertisements online mobile search, Smartphone users can expect.Not ready full of many companies, even though these eye-popping mobile statistics or deliberately ignore mobile complete more serious crimes (lack of mobile SEO) with relatively simple oversights (mobile-friendly website is not) from. Market – in many consumer devices, smartphones, tablets, e-readers, handheld games, and others – litany of advertisers have tremendous opportunities before them. So we are moored on our computers anymore, go. brand engagement, consuming large amounts of content we are everywhere Which brings us to our next point
Call day, looks slick corporate web site can be constructed when the long gone.
Today's customers are timely, relevant content, and requires a lot of it. Many other channels for content consumption and caused large amounts of, blog, video, social media, email, podcasts, webinar, all competitive prospects attention span, just continue.
Marketing Corporate brands struggle to capture mindshare in the flow of information and constant ebb valid at multiple levels, and to engage in many different contexts, and to develop effective and easy-to-manage content should ever greater 2012. You can react to demand disposal useful, share-worthy content web content curation tool brand.
In 2011, advertisers or stopped if social media fashion questions. (As having a website with Facebook and Twitter presence and standard. Plus Google, too, you bonus points. ), But social media strategy for your marketing LinkedIn, YouTube, (may be whatever the platform du jour is), please do not stop the usual suspects.
To meet interest and many more niches mature social media popular is giving rise to a new player. For example, using platforms like ThisNext and retailers pay attention to taste makers eagerly Pintrest, obtain the hotfix window-shopping society. New social media site course of luster is all going to come up with a way to integrate them into social e-commerce strategy is worth your investment, explore these familiar new way beyond the point is.
This digital disruption seen "crazy times", where is going on. Decision wrong some (or lack of decision that matters for ) can easily to the best opportunity for hungry competitors. RIM and Netflix fell prey to doubt how things changed so much as it even once beloved brand and so quickly. Many innovations, the company no longer remains in their glory of room is part of such must compete to survive the challenger brand. Evolution of the digital marketing and advertising is to level the land in many ways. You must assume and smart investing in new online marketing strategy and advertising technology company in the same rivals. You must track and monitor competitive is an integral part of your strategy.
Especially start every new year's is spread over prediction, technology. To deploy any startup? Come out on the device? At this point, last year, iPads did not yet exist. Shape determination of what future tool and technology marketing and advertising? Is the type of questions should be considered to formulate budget allocation and those companies marketing plan. We will bring, what future exactly, but unpredictable we can be ready for the notification. Important for the success of this year's regular review of the analysis of the social effect of keeping statistics, marketing and search and your own efforts to understand technology news will be. Perhaps continue the status quo, just to check door, expect your best.
Belt belts – 2012 is going to be wild ride!
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